7 Original Ideas with a Mirror in Your Interior


A mirror can look beautiful in your interior. Yet little attention is paid to the decorative value of a mirror. That’s a shame because they can really be a beautiful eye-catcher in your interior. Check out these 7 original ideas with a mirror in your interior!

1. Mirror doors in your closet

7 original ideas with a mirror in your interior

The idea of ​​a large mirror in the bedroom is not new. This beautiful cabinet has doors that consist of a number of mirrors. You can buy ready-made mirror doors, but you can also glue mirrors to the cabinet afterward. It is very beautiful and it is also an ideal way to refurbish an old cupboard in no time. If you want to refurbish an old cupboard, it is best to order a custom mirror. At a glass discount, you will find all custom products and you will also find material to glue the glass to the cabinet doors.

2. Heated mirror with LED

7 original ideas with a mirror in your interior

In the bathroom, a mirror can have a lot of added value. You can of course go for a regular, standard mirror. But why would you? Make your mirror a real eye-catcher by choosing something special. For example, consider a heated mirror with LED lighting. Not only does it look super sleek, but it won’t fog up after you shower.

3. Makeup mirror

7 original ideas with a mirror in your interior

While it’s about an illuminated mirror: how about a nice make-up mirror in the bedroom? With this mirror, you have the perfect lighting to touch up your make-up precisely. Moreover, it forms the most important part of a make-up table or a dressing corner. There are very modern make-up mirrors, but this classic also remains a beautiful element in the interior.

4. Brocante full-length mirror

7 original ideas with a mirror in your interior

You used to find a full length mirror in almost every lady’s bedroom. That has decreased nowadays, although a mirror in the bedroom is still very common. This way you can immediately see whether your clothes are in the right place. Do you have a flea market-style decor? Then of course you also go for a large standing vintage full-length mirror in the bedroom or dressing room!

5. Huge mirror as an eye-catcher

7 original ideas with a mirror in your interior

You can go for a modest mirror. But how cool is a giant mirror? This mirror is huge and has a frame of thick wooden planks. The mirror gives the bedroom a lot of character and also seems to make the bedroom larger. A fantastic and creative way to incorporate a mirror into your interior.

6. Shapely Mirror

7 original ideas with a mirror in your interior

A mirror doesn’t have to be round or rectangular at all. You can find them in all beautiful shapes. How about this beautiful hexagonal mirror, for example? The mirror has a special design, which makes it extra noticeable in the house. By giving the mirror a nice spot in the living room or in the hallway, you have a beautiful and decorative solution.

7. Combining Small Mirrors

7 original ideas with a mirror in your interior

A large wall mirror can be a bit ‘too much in your interior. But you don’t necessarily have to think about a large mirror. You can also combine several small mirrors with each other. This beautiful combination of round hanging mirrors immediately provides a beautiful wall decoration. Creative, quirky and very beautiful in a modern or rural interior.

A beautiful mirror can positively influence your interior. It is important that you choose a mirror that fits well into your living style. The mirror serves as decoration and can therefore be strikingly present in the interior. An advantage of a mirror is that it is also very practical, in addition to being beautiful in the house. You can always check if your hair is right and if your clothes are right.

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