How to use Siri on the iPhone 12

How to use Siri on the iPhone 12
How to use Siri on the iPhone 12

Apple iPhone – Manage Siri Settings

Siri- A virtual assistant designed to enhance the user’s utility and assists in getting all the important tasks done

Apple brought something that is much revolutionizing and unique in the tech world and that is Siri.

Siri is your virtual assistant that can help you in managing your daily life tasks within seconds.

Whether it’s reading out a mail, replying to a text, scheduling an appointment while searching a nearby restaurant, Siri can ease everything for you.

The first Step- Enabling Siri

If you are using an iPhone 12 and want to start using Siri then here are the following steps to enable it.

-Listen to “Hey Siri”.

This option lets you begin the interaction with your smart virtual assistant.

-Side Button for Siri:

You can wake Siri just by a long press at your phone’s right side button.

-Allow Siri When Locked:

This key feature allows you to use Siri even on a locked phone.

In the settings, you can also customize your Siri’s voice and dialect. Siri can easily understand multiple languages when it comes to interacting with you.

Execute your tasks on your iPhone 12 with Siri!

The best way to manage things..

Start managing your tasks by just saying ‘’ Hey Siri’’ on your iPhone 12. Either you can say it or long-press on the right side of the phone to access it.

You can use Siri on iPhone 12 in a bunch of ways. It solely depends on you, you name it, Siri can do it for you.

Here’s a list of things you can get done with it.

Get Smart Suggestions!

You got into your car in a rush and now want to play the best music. So, Siri might be suggesting some good music to you, and also it will arrange a coffee from your favorite nearby coffee house.

In the meanwhile, you can get all the traffic updates from Siri.


Now, you can record and send audio messages via Siri. Just say ‘‘Send an Audio message’’. It sends audio messages via message and MMS.

 Setting Reminders

Siri keeps you updated about all the unread Emails and pending tasks. You can set reminders based on what falls on your priority list. Thus, you can save time. Plus, Siri doesn’t let you forget a single thing in your schedule.

Siri manages billions of requests per month. To fulfill all these requests, the virtual assistant gets updated with each newer version.

According to Apple, the virtual assistant’s ability to utilize the web to give answers is also updated and much improved now.

Keeping a Record

When you can’t keep a track of the upcoming events and needed stuff. Siri does it for you. It’s one of the best digital assistants the iPhone could bring for its users.

Siri update in iPhone 12

On the iPhone 12, Siri doesn’t occupy your whole screen. Instead, it indicates via the icon that it’s listening to your commands.

With the iPhone 12’s updated features Siri can now help you in managing incoming calls too.

Along With timely reminders and carrying out meetings. All of the above-mentioned things aren’t much harder now with Siri. You can run it on your other Apple gadgets too.