Technology in the classroom: Five benefits

technology in the classroom

How you can make educational technology work for you.

The classroom looks very different than it did 50 or even 10 years ago, thanks to technology. Digital whiteboards have replaced chalkboards, and iPads are a common sight in classrooms.

Do you think this advancement will negatively affect your students, or will it benefit them? Pew Research Center found that 92% of teachers use the internet to access content, resources, and materials. Here are some ways that technology improves classrooms:

Creates a More Engaged Environment

Even though you may think that technology is a distraction, it can really help you encourage active participation in your classroom. You can make traditional dull subjects fun and interactive by using devices such as computers, tablets, or other types of technology in your classroom.

Adapts to different learning styles

As each student in your classroom is unique, it can be difficult to adjust your learning plan accordingly. It is, fortunately, possible to modify your lessons with the help of technology in education. Ryan Greene, a Walden MS in Instructional Design and Technology graduate, chose online learning to complete his degree, and now helps improve his classroom using his knowledge of integrating technology.

Students who may wish to draw throughout class can now create an infographic to demonstrate their understanding of the content, which I may not have seen or assessed previously.

With his instructional design degree, he was able to elevate his approach in the classroom, giving students a more tailored experience they can benefit from in the future.

Enhances collaboration

It has been observed that students help each other more often when using technology in the classroom.

 Students sometimes need to ask for help from their peers or the teacher when performing technology-based tasks because they involve other aspects. As well, students who are more technologically proficient can assist their less tech-savvy peers when they are assigned to small groups.

Educates children for the future

The CompTIA study stated that nine out of 10 students believed that using technology in the classroom would prepare them for the digital future. Through technology skills like PowerPoint, you can help prepare your students for success. Students can be better prepared for future digital demands by introducing instructional technology in the classroom at a young age.

Your students will feel connected to you

It is possible for teachers to form a better relationships with their students and colleagues by utilizing technology. In the classroom, integrating technology into lesson plans and using it to expand your own knowledge can make a significant difference. 84% of teachers report using the internet at least weekly for finding engaging content.

The advancements in technology will undoubtedly continue, and your classroom style must adapt accordingly. In his advice to fellow teachers, Greene says, “Take the risk.”. Don’t be afraid to try something new. There’s no way to know how effective a tool or approach will be until you try it. Using technology in the classroom also promotes critical thinking. Take a leap of faith.”

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