How to Cool Down Laptops That Are Running Hot

How to Cool Down Laptops That Are Running Hot

If your laptop is running hot, there are some steps you can take to cool it down. These include lowering the frame rate, cleaning the cooling system, and keeping it out of direct sunlight. In addition, you should also minimize the workload of your CPU. Once these steps are completed, you should be able to enjoy the benefits of your computer for a longer period of time.

Reduce the load on the CPU

It’s very important to reduce the load on the CPU when cooling down a laptop. Because they have limited space and a small surface area, laptops can get quite hot. When the internal fans are trying to cool down the whole system, the CPU is put under an increased workload. To reduce the workload on the CPU, close apps that take up a lot of CPU time, and use fewer programs.

One of the easiest ways to reduce CPU thermals is to choose the default power plan. Most mobile PCs offer a few power plans. You can choose a power plan with a minimum or maximum performance. In most cases, a mid-level option will result in lower CPU thermals.

Another way to reduce CPU temperatures is to undervolt the processor. By undervolting the processor, you lower the voltage, which results in a lower processor temperature. However, you should only use this method when other methods don’t work. The risk is that undervolting the processor can cause system instability or a laptop crash. You can find this option in the BIOS of your laptop.

The CPU is directly linked to the load. For this reason, you should try to minimize the load on the CPU whenever possible. For example, try to minimize the number of open applications by closing programs that aren’t needed. Also, try to minimize the number of tabs in your web browser. These applications can drain the resources of your PC. Try using a program like Avast Secure Browser to find the tabs that are taking up a lot of resources.

Clean the cooling system

If your laptop is running hot, it may be time to clean the cooling system. High temperatures can cause components to fail faster and decrease laptop performance. You should clean the cooling system at least once a year. It is also helpful to lubricate the cooling fan. If you can’t do this on your own, seek help from a computer service center.

First, unplug your laptop. You can use a duster cloth to wipe off excess thermal grease. Make sure to clean all surfaces thoroughly. The motherboard, cooling fan, and heatsink should all be cleaned. Next, you can apply a fresh layer of thermal paste. You may also want to use a lubricant, such as general-purpose rust-inhibiting oil. Lastly, you can use a cotton swab to clean any dirt on the motherboard.

You can also clean the cooling fan with a cotton swab. You can find it near the fan. You may need to blow out any excess dust to remove it. You may also need to use an aerosol spray to clean the area, which is safe for you. Make sure you ground the electronics before cleaning because static discharge can cause component failure.

The cooling fan in a laptop provides cooling for the CPU and graphics card. It builds up layers of dust and grime. To clean it, follow the instructions in the manual. You can also use a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol to clean the fan. If the cooling fan is hard to reach, you can try blowing the air inside the cooling fan.

Once you’ve cleaned the cooling fan, you can replace the screws and install a new fan. Make sure to use the correct screwdriver size, as some models use different screw types.

Lower the frame rate

When playing games on your laptop, lowering the frame rate and reducing the graphics settings can help you cool it down. Higher frame rates put more stress on the processor and GPU, which can lead to overheating. If your laptop’s fan is not functioning or running slowly, it may also contribute to overheating.

First, you should check your CPU’s temperature. If it’s too hot, your performance will suffer. In some cases, overheating can cause permanent damage to internal components. Your CPU will throttle down to cool itself, which will decrease your frame rate. However, a performance drop is far better than a burning laptop.

You can also try changing the refresh rate. Generally, a higher refresh rate consumes more power, so lowering it may improve battery life. However, the downside of a lower refresh rate is that your gameplay will be choppy. If your computer isn’t powerful enough for a high frame rate, you might want to turn off the high-end games.

If you’re still having the same problem, updating your BIOS may be the answer. You can also update the GPU driver to the latest version if you’re using a GeForce card. On your computer’s BIOS, go to the driver manager and select Firmware. Choose the appropriate driver and press OK. Lastly, check the power mode on your laptop and make sure it’s set to Balance or High Performance.

Keep your laptop away from direct sunlight

When you’re sitting outside and using your laptop, it is essential to keep it away from direct sunlight. The sun’s glare can cause your screen to overheat, making it hard to see. To reduce the amount of light hitting your screen, use an anti-reflective pair of sunglasses, or a laptop hood. Alternatively, you can get one of those gazebos or parasols to provide some shade for your laptop.

Laptops operate best in a temperature range between thirty and 55 degrees Celsius (86 to 131 Fahrenheit). If the ambient temperature is over this range, it will raise the temperature inside the laptop, reducing the life of the components. To further reduce the chance of overheating, keep your laptop in a room with a lower temperature or out of the sun.

Keep your laptop away from direct sunlight by wearing dark-colored clothing that deflects sunlight. This will not only keep your laptop cooler but will also protect its screen from damage. It is also recommended to avoid bright-colored clothes, as they can reflect sunlight back onto the screen. Wearing dark clothes will help keep your screen cool, and will also prevent heat from affecting the hard drive and the internal components.

Another way to keep your laptop cool is to use a case with a heat-resistant screen. While most laptops are designed to operate in outdoor temperatures, prolonged exposure to high temperatures can cause permanent damage to the hard drive and other hardware. Exposure to heat and humidity can also short-circuit wiring and cause corrosion of metal components.

You can also keep your laptop out of direct sunlight by placing it in a dark box. It might seem odd, but it will protect your screen and reduce the risk of damage caused by a damaged battery.

Clean the air vents

If you’re having trouble with your laptop overheating, you should first check that its air vents are clean. If they’re clogged, the fans will run continuously and your laptop may become hot. You can clean the vents with a small electric cleaner. You can do this even at night when you don’t need to be using it.

The easiest way to clean the vents is to use compressed air, but it can harm the components of your laptop. It’s also important to remove the panels before cleaning the vents. However, be aware that doing so may void your warranty. If you’re unable to remove the panels, you can also use dry cotton swabs to clean the vents.

Secondly, dust can block the air vents in your laptop, preventing it from properly cooling down. To remove this dust, you can use a can of compressed air or a cotton swab. If you can’t buy compressed air, you can use a computer vacuum to clean the vents manually.

Once you have cleaned the air vents, you can use compressed air to clean the fans and exhaust vents. These are typically located at the rear or side of your laptop. Using compressed air can loosen dust and prevent it from getting stuck inside the laptop. After cleaning the vents, you should put back the panel and tighten the screws. You can then test your laptop by turning it on and looking for dust.