What is Morbid Obesity

Morbid Obesity

Morbid obesity is a condition in which there is very high accumulation of fat in the body, so that sufferers have excess body weight that is far from ideal. Morbid obesity not only affects physical form, but also has the potential to cause other dangerous health problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension). The difference between obesity and morbid obesity is in the value of body mass index (BMI). A person is said to be obese if he has a body mass index of more than 25, while morbid obesity is higher, namely 37.5 or more.


The difference between obesity and morbid obesity lies in the value of body mass index (BMI). Someone is said to be obese if they have a BMI of more than 30.

Whereas in patients with morbid obesity, BMI values ​​can reach 40 or more. Patients with morbid obesity also generally experience the following symptoms:


1. Shortness of breath

2. Easy and sweat a lot

3. Snoring while sleeping

4. Easily tired

5. Hard to do physical activity

6. Pain in joints and back

7. Have skin problems, due to increased moisture in the skin folds

8. Feeling insecure or isolated in social circles

Obesity does not always lead to people with a pot belly or looking fat.

This is because fat can accumulate in many parts of the body, depending on lifestyle, diet and the characteristics of each individual.


Obesity due to lack of exercise

The type of obesity that is most often found in society is obesity caused by a lack of physical activity, aka lack of exercise.

Its characteristics are excess body weight and the presence of folds of fat in the lower abdomen, chest and back. 

Physical activity, in this case regular exercise can help reduce fat accumulation in the body.

It is recommended that you exercise for 30 minutes every day. Do light exercise such as biking, swimming, or walking. 

Obesity due to food

Not only lack of movement, another type of obesity that is often found is obesity due to food.

Eating habits, in this case including choosing unhealthy foods, turn out to have a big impact on weight gain which can lead to obesity. 

For example, if you eat too much and it is not balanced with physical activity, it will certainly increase the level of fat in your body.

In addition, consuming foods with high calories and low in nutrients, such as fat, sugar and salt also has an effect. 

You can notice the characteristics of this type of obesity from the accumulation of fat in the chest, neck and chin.

Venous obesity

The next type of obesity arises because of the circulation that occurs in the blocked veins.

You can notice fat accumulation due to this type of obesity in the buttocks and legs. There are many conditions that can cause blockages in the veins. 

The risk of someone experiencing this type of obesity will be higher if there is a family history of blockages in blood vessels.

In addition, this type of obesity can also occur due to intake of foods with high fat content.

Obesity due to anxiety

Excessive pressure or anxiety can also cause obesity, and this condition often goes unnoticed. Anxiety can affect hormones in the body. 

If a person has negative feelings or thoughts, he will tend to have the desire to overeat.

This condition turns out to make most people vent by overeating to reduce negative feelings.  

You can notice the characteristic feature of this type of obesity from the presence of folds of fat in the lower abdomen.

Atherogenic obesity

Obesity can trigger many health problems if not handled properly, one of which is the risk of coronary heart disease.

This is because obesity is closely related to a condition called atherogenic dyslipidemia.

This problem is characterized by high LDL cholesterol levels, but low HDL cholesterol levels. This type of obesity is also associated with insulin resistance.

Please note that insulin is a hormone that has an important role in controlling blood sugar, as well as converting food energy into fat.

During the digestive process, the insulin hormone stimulates muscle, liver and fat cells to absorb glucose (a substance that is the main source of energy for the body).

For those with atherogenic obesity, conditions of insulin resistance arise due to cells not being able to absorb sugar from the blood due to accumulation of fatty tissue.

As a result, the body cannot use glucose properly and insulin will continue to store sugar as fat. If left unchecked, this can make weight gain continuously.

Gluten obesity

Compared to other types of obesity, gluten obesity tends to be more common in women who are entering menopause.

Although the link between obesity and gluten is still uncertain, this type of obesity can also occur in women who have decreased hormone balance. 

The hallmark of obesity is the accumulation of fat in the pelvis which can be caused by gluten intake.


Treatment of morbid obesity aims to reduce the patient’s weight. There are several methods used to treat morbid obesity. Consult further with your doctor. The doctor will determine the right method and according to the conditions.


As much as possible, avoid diets that promise fast weight loss. Apart from being unsafe, it is feared that the weight lost quickly will not have a long impact and can easily come back. The major key to losing weight is to limit or reduce calorie intake. Adjusting your diet, avoiding fast food such as hamburgers and bubble tea, and eating low-calorie and high-fiber foods can be an effort to limit calories. Some examples of low calorie foods are. Wheat. Egg. Fish. Potato. Watermelon. Patients are advised to further consult with a nutritionist regarding a suitable diet method. Diet requirements for each person can be different, depending on their overall health condition.


By actively moving or exercising regularly, the calories in the body will burn a lot. Consult for more regarding methods of treating morbid obesity by exercising. Basically, the method of treating morbid obesity by exercising for each person can be different, and must be adjusted to the patient’s health condition.

Administration of drugs and operations.

Treatment of morbid obesity by administering drugs must be accompanied by healthy eating patterns and regular exercise. While using the drug, patients must also receive direct supervision from a doctor. Some drugs used for weight loss such as. Orlistat. Liraglutide. When adjusting your diet, exercising regularly, and administering medication are not effective in losing weight, treatment can be done by surgery.

The type of operation used will be adjusted to the conditions and objectives of the operation itself. The following are operations that are frequently used to treat morbid obesity. Gastric bypass surgery. In the process, the doctor will change the size of the stomach to be smaller and directly connected to the small intestine so that it will reduce the absorption of calories by the body. Gastric banding surgery. In this operation, the doctor uses a special tape that is tied to the upper part of the stomach, so that food that enters the body is limited and causes a feeling of fullness quickly. Gastric sleeve. In this procedure, or operation the surgeons remove part of the stomach


Suffering from morbid obesity increases a person’s risk of developing other diseases, especially if these conditions are not treated properly. Some of the complications of morbid obesity include.

  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Metabolic syndrome.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Heart disease.
  • Strokes.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Sleep apnea.
    • Asthma.
  • Reproductive disorders.
  • Gallstones.
  • Cancer, such as colon or breast cancer.
  • Erectile dysfunction.

In addition to disease, morbid obesity can also affect quality of life and interfere with psychological conditions. This can be the impact of body shaming or being insulted due to body shape, as well as limitations in participating in an activity. Psychological disorders experienced by people with morbid obesity can be in the form of: Problems with sex life. Depression. Isolated by the environment. Shame and feel guilty. Decreased quality of work. Suffering from morbid obesity can also reduce life expectancy by as much as 3 to 10 years. Therefore, consult further with your doctor if you are overweight, so that the risk of morbid obesity complications can be reduced.


Efforts to prevent morbid obesity are not too different from the methods of treatment. Some efforts that can be made to prevent this condition, among others.

Regular moderate exercise is recommended for 150-300 minutes per week. An example is jogging or swimming. Maintain calorie intake and consume more high-fiber foods, such as vegetables and fruit.

Check your weight regularly, at least once a week. If necessary, make a note containing the menu, time, and amount of food consumed. That way, you can set a strategy to avoid overeating.

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